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Crispin Holder

Crispin is an internationally collected artist who studied BAHons Fine Art in the mid 1990s. He then achieved a successful career in the graphic design, digital print and 3D design industry before returning full time to his first passion of painting in 2015.

Crispin’s interest lies in the definition of form and application of colour theory to create intriguing and challenging compositions. All of his work is conceived and drawn on paper before being painted by hand onto canvas or board. Particular attention is then paid to the finer details of edge definition and tonal consistency until the paintings are as flawless as can be achieved.

Crispin’s paintings are process heavy, meticulously produced and extremely precise. His methods result in bold, striking images that provoke the viewer to question what they see, bringing visual pleasure and igniting individual reflection.

“Neuroscience and cognitive psychology tell us that we are ‘pattern seeking animals’, that pattern is what we use to order and make sense of the world. It is pre-linguistic, hardwired, and fundamental.” - Michael Shermer

To see more of Crispin's work or to purchase, please visit:

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